Friday, October 15, 2010

The GOLDEN Rules

Well, more than a few people (and people whom i hold very dear) have expressed concerns , or should i say, dismay and shock, over my last few posts. While i am touched, with all the concern and love, it also was an eye opener for me. It served as the perfect catalyst that was required to wake me up from this slumber. Having gone through, probably, what must be the toughest and the most freaky few months of my life, the only desire left in my heart now, is to do what everybody has been after me to do, for the longest time i.e. TO SHARE WITH THE WORLD ALL THE TRICKS OF SNARING ANY WOMAN, be it single, smart , dumb, married, committed , beauful or jsut ur next door girl.

1) NEVER EVER get involved with a girl you have to see/ meet everyday.

u may ask but WHY?? here's why. Seeing her everyday, makes it a habit, a set routine and after a while, even if u dont realsie it, u become addicted to the routine, even if u hate it. U start taking it for granted and expectations begin to creep in, and any deviation form them, FUCKS with ur head

2) NEVER EVER LET GO OFF ALL THE POWER in a relationship

u may say, once u find true love, all of this doesnt matter. Well, u may be right, but in my experience (and trust me its pretty exhaustive ;-) ) Being there selflessly for the other person is a given, but expecting the same from the other person is NOT wrong. If u dont like something, dont let it sly else it will become a precident and will irritate u for ever BUT remember to use it at the right time ONLY.

3) TARGET committed girls n date a min of 2 girls at the same time

Firslty, committed girls feel a lot safer than single girls as they dont have chip on their shoulders. Be a friend to them, ALWAYS listen to what they r sayin, even if it bores the life out of u. Remember what they say, n never offer advice unless asked for. Never critize them, n if u have to, do it in such a way, that it apperas an extension of their own idea.

Secondly, since they r committed, make sure they dont break up with their BF's. He is unknwoingly ur best friend. Every mistake he makes, is an advantage for u, so DONT kill the golden goose. n since she is committed, u wont ever get too serious for her.

Finally, since u r dating 2 women, u wont believe the crap u say abt love to them. Plus, lying abt love will become so ingrained in u, that u will start frliting, even when u dont even try.

4) TEST the boundaries

every girl is not the same , so its IMPOSSIBLE to say what is a sure shot what to get a girl. u constantly have to keep testing or even bending the boundaries of the relationship, else u will never be able to figure out what the extent to which u can go. It could be anyhting, and not just gettin physical stuff. Even the mental comfort level which u share, makes a lot of difference. Once u get her to share her deepest darkest secret, u know u have her undying trust. After that how u handle it, is upto u.

5) BE everything she DOESNT looks for in a BF

If she is any gud, she would have guys hitting on her all the time, so dont be JUST another one in the crowd. Be her friend, but keep tellin her stories of ur gf's. Create a dual personality in front of her, one of a friend and another of the guy u r with other girls ( non friends). LIE if u have to, make up phantonm stories, create people out of thing air BUT show her u have a bad side. then all the niceties u do, will leave a much sweeter taste in her mind.

6) NEVER take names or tell anybody what u r doing

Never EVER tell the girls name to anybody, if possible. Keep it under wraps as much as possible but share with her ur friends name, this will make her more relaxed, but DONT make them meet her. Meeting the family is simply out of the question, we dont want unnecessary complications, do we ;-) World is a really small place, n ppl r connected some how or the other. So be very carefull what u say to ppl, at times even ur BEST friend can turn out to be a member of the rival gang. lol.

Thats preety much all i can remember right now, but since this is a topic, which i dearly love, constant updates will keep on flowing. Hope , some poor soul finds this useful.

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