Saturday, November 19, 2011

Glad U Came

Well, it’s been a while since I have scribbled something, the last time being when I was still doing my MBA and having a ball of a time, and now over 8 months later (man, suddenly I feel old), I am in this God forsaken place, doing I don’t know what (work wise), so pardon me if I over indulge a bit.

I am have been meaning to get around to letting those creative juice flowing again, but as always, I have been an exceptionally lazy bumm of late, and was only convinced of writing this one, only after a very dear friend of mine (yes U “Maam”), told me that she would love to see me get back in the game (and as promised, I am gonna embarrassed U ;-)).

Got shit loads to write about, but its kinda difficult to decide, from where to start, so I’ll start with the last major event, since March 2011. Well no prizes for guessing, that it was THE Farewell at WE SCHOOL, n the events leading upto it. If MBA were one helluva of a joy ride, THE farewell was a 18hrs period, comprising the quintessential elements of the entire 2 year span (no wonder then, a major of it is just a blurr).

I have never really been big on nostalgia or the display of human emotion, so I had assumed that, WE SCHOOL n the memories associated with it, would be the simple case of “out of sight, out of mind” like always. I had made my peace with things, said my goodbyes to the people I wanted to, mindful of the fact time and distance will dilute whatever bonds had been made. Obviously I was wrong (man, I can still recollect that when I was leaving, almost the entire batch was there n I know, I wasn’t exactly the most friendly guy out there. Lol. A testament to the sheer SPIRIT, WE had as a batch), n surprisingly one or two bonds, have only gotten stronger (Glad U Came – I ).

It’s always easier, to look in hind sight and say that u could have done things differently, undo the mistakes which u committed, undo the hurt which u may have caused without intending to, but then, life won’t be as colourful as it is now. The sweetest relationships are those born out of the cocktail of confusion, a bit of heart ache and some amount of idiotic behavior, which u are not normally associated with (Glad U Came – II). And boy, did I have my fair share of it all, especially the latter.

Jump to June 2011, and my arrival in Hyderabad, the initial euphoria and later, hitting the mother lode of all free falls (and NO, it had nothing to do with a girl/woman). I tried a concoction of my own remedies, but the only thing that seemed to work every time, without fail, was a bond whose origin can be traced back to, where else but to WE School ( I am sure u r starting to turn red from embarrassment by now). N while I admit that, what I am about to say may seem like a bit farfetched given that my history is filled with more than a few nefarious acts (more than any one man is entitled too, but it was fun ;-) ), but this angel like friend (n I use the term with utmost sincerity, without flattery n without any hidden motives but maybe a tinge of flirtatious effervescence), with her usual impeccable timing of msg’s, calls and simple yet significant acts of friendship, was able to solve the dilemma which I have had for a very very long time and regain the calm/peace of mind, that I was looking for and no matter how many times I say it, I won’t be able to express my gratitude in its full essence n YES, U r the ultimate friend a guy can ever wish to have (Glad U Came – III).

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