Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is said that man is a creature of his habits and that certain characteristics tend to become an integral part of the intrinsic nature over a period of time. Once these “characteristics” become our 2nd nature, we tend to forget, from where we picked them up or even question what could be the “future” consequences.

The “problem” really arises, when the dynamics during which these “characteristics” were ingrained, CHANGES. Like , for instance, taking the world head, without a care for the consequences or who gets “burned” in THAT process, changes, when you have someone u care about that the world can target.

The “dilemma” that a person faces then is, whether to keep doing what he has been doing all his life and NOT let the change affect him or ACCEPT the change and adapt. This fight, between the two emotions, though it appears, to be a simple question of “EITHER this OR this”, is perhaps one of life’s toughest questions.

You can either BE the MAN, and keep doing things which make YOU happy, OR you can follow your heart and DO things for the person you care about. Trying to balance the two, tears a man apart, from the inside.

The IRONY is, NOT caring for THAT person, NOT being able to express what you are feeling or how every move of hers affects you in ways, you never thought was possible, NOT only leaves you alone, but also, bitter, disgruntled and angry with yourself BUT expressing the same, makes you needy, pushes the other person away and leaves you VULNERABLE in front of the world and you regret making a fool of yourself.

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