Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is said that man is a creature of his habits and that certain characteristics tend to become an integral part of the intrinsic nature over a period of time. Once these “characteristics” become our 2nd nature, we tend to forget, from where we picked them up or even question what could be the “future” consequences.

The “problem” really arises, when the dynamics during which these “characteristics” were ingrained, CHANGES. Like , for instance, taking the world head, without a care for the consequences or who gets “burned” in THAT process, changes, when you have someone u care about that the world can target.

The “dilemma” that a person faces then is, whether to keep doing what he has been doing all his life and NOT let the change affect him or ACCEPT the change and adapt. This fight, between the two emotions, though it appears, to be a simple question of “EITHER this OR this”, is perhaps one of life’s toughest questions.

You can either BE the MAN, and keep doing things which make YOU happy, OR you can follow your heart and DO things for the person you care about. Trying to balance the two, tears a man apart, from the inside.

The IRONY is, NOT caring for THAT person, NOT being able to express what you are feeling or how every move of hers affects you in ways, you never thought was possible, NOT only leaves you alone, but also, bitter, disgruntled and angry with yourself BUT expressing the same, makes you needy, pushes the other person away and leaves you VULNERABLE in front of the world and you regret making a fool of yourself.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

When the world stops SPINNING!!!!

Right from the time we are born, we r taught that one should be nice and polite to others, be sincere and honest , and have no evil in our hearts. Though the world is plagued by violence everywhere, yet ever religion has one thing in common, the belief that there is a God and the only way to reach him is by doing his work on earth and serving humanity. It is believed that the pain and misery which man suffers is a consequence of their own KARMA, and even if u commit no sins, you have to pay for the sins of your fellow man.

They say that God resides in every man’s heart, and that all one needs to do in order to connect with Him, is to be sincere and pray earnestly. The world was created for man to enjoy, in all its beauty and magnificence, but it’s sad to see, what man has made of man, today. What’s even worse is the fact that we consider ourselves to be at the pinnacle of our modern and advanced civilization. An irony indeed.

The topic which concerns everyone these days is the one of Global Warming, where talks of the world coming to an end, sooner rather than later, are often discussed. They say man is paying for his greed, for disbanding the path of God and following Satan instead. Satan is the epitome of the evil that resides in all of us, of all that is bad with the world and everything which is not good.

But is Satan necessarily all bad??? Why can’t the humanity at large, be willing to explore the fact that having Satanic intentions isn’t necessarily a recipe to disaster or a path straight to damnation. It is believed that Satanic intentions means being cold hearted, not having any emotions, having no compassion towards your fellow human being. But who is to say, that in moderation, it can’t be good for us. Would it not only makes us immune to the biggest problem that plagues mankind, i.e. heart ache, the pain of losing some1, the pain of expectations coming crashing down, the confusion of how to keep some1 happy .

If honesty is always the best policy, then why is it that in the matters of the heart, one prefers to shield each other from the brutal truths of life. Why then are we afraid to express our true feelings, why then are we willing to accept whatever life dishes out at us, and not question The One sitting up there. So let’s start by breaking a habit tonight, by standing by what we believe in, no matter what others think.

Confessions of a DanGerouS Mind???

1) With the touch of Midas, the beauty of an angel n the charm of a Deity, she WALKS this earth to save US from Damnation. With a smile that makes the sun shine brighter everyday, with the warmth that makes December seem like a day in May, n with the innocence that will put even a baby to shame , she WALKS this earth to make our lifes brighter in everyway .

The above said lines r nothing but mere shallow words in front of this Shona of a person. She is the perfect barbie doll one can ever hope to meet. Smart, beautiful, intelligent, mature n yet at the same time so innocent, so naive n so adorable THAT it restores ones faith IN GOD, in care n unconditional love. I have been blessed to have known this GEM (or should i say A DIAMOND) of a person for a while. Hope she gets what she wants from life coz in reality, NO one deserves the world MORE than her.... Wishin u a very successful life... God bless...

2) The first thing that comes to my mind when i think about THIS BEAUTY is THE HOLY GRAIL - Mysterious, mythical, dark n yet at the same time PURE, Divine n Graceful. Though i have never had had the HONOUR of being in HER Majesties presence, still it doesn’t lessen the IMPACT her AURA has had on me.

A Dynamic personality, who shoots straight from the hips with Brute honesty, BUT still manages to CAST a spell on you with her CHARM. An ABSOLUTE stunner, with a passion of photography, n for gud reasons too. The MAGNIFICENCE of her work can ONLY be diminished by her own grace n persona. Lucky will be the man who CAPTURES her heart, coz this is the ULTIMATE Total PackAge.

3) Well to be honest, what first attracted me to mun mun were her looks (cant blame me for that, sheez just so damm beautiful). later on i realised she is fun to talk to. whatever little time i have know her for, its apparent that shes one confident gal whose knows what she wants in life... has a gud sense of humour n is tooooooo kind a person....she is one bindas babe...n to top it all she writes funktastically well ..... heres wishin u a happy life.......

4) I have never been so honest in my life with anyone. I love you more than life itself and while i am around nothing ever is going to happen to you.

When you read the above lines, it is blatantly obvious that except for the last one, the rest are just superficial words. Any girl with half a brain would see right through the web of lies, BUT surprisingly IT is the one that failed to find its mark. Heartfelt, honest and pure as it is, yet this is the only source of the pain in my life. A humbling experience as it may have been, it was the source of my greatest learning in life “NEVER BE ASHAMED OF WHO YOU ARE”. You and only YOU can ever be the BEST you, never try and change WHO you are. True Love is a magical experience, worth waiting many a life times, yet the only thing that counts in the end is whether you are peace with yourself or not. Contentment and nirvana comes only when you are at peace with yourself. When you forget who you TRUELY are, you cease to exist. So NEVRE BE ASHAMED OF WHO YOU TRUELY ARE.

A DanGerouS Mind